At the Defence Academy – College of Management and Technology, we offer unique education, training and research opportunities.
Defence Academy Our education, training and learning opportunities are offered in 3 areas – acquisition and business, leadership and management, and technology and nuclear – available as 3 separate prospectuses containing, in total, over 700 courses. The course subjects cover a large range – from information technology through to ballistics, core competency training to nuclear engineering, and through a variety of delivery options at training centres across the UK and through electronic learning. They range in level from awareness through to expert Masters’ courses.
Many courses are available to MOD staff free at the point of delivery, and military staff support the students and governance of the courses. Private Venture courses, developed by Cranfield University in response to demand from the wider defence market, are similiarly supported in order to allow development of the spectrum of opportunities available to MOD. These ‘pv’ type courses incur course fees.
Cranfield University also offers opportunities for those interested in doctoral research. Our PhDs are high quality, applied and relevant, and provide a distinct competitive advantage in defence and security related management, engineering and technology.